If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, people. I guess it's time to commit it to a random corner of the interwebs. It's called Ephemere (green apple variety, please). It's made by a brewery called Unibroue, which may just be Canada's single greatest contribution to humanity. I've yet to taste something Unibroue put out that I didn't like (other tasty offerings include Blanche de Chambly, Fin du Monde, Maudite and Trois Pistoles) but without doubt, the king of them all is the Ephemere. It's a crisp, light white ale with the essence of green apple, but without the overbearing sweetness of a cider or even a Lindemans lambic. You can find it in Vegas at the Freakin' Frog, LBS at Red Rock Casino and Resort, the Yardhouse, or Lee's Liquor. Try it.